Nikon FE
 The Nikon FE is a 35mm film camera introduced in 1978. It has a good built-in light meter and is a great aperture priority or fully manual camera.
It uses 35mm film. I have both the 28 and 50mm f1.8 lenses. 

Yashica D
The Yashica D (1958) is a medium format TLR camera. This means that the viewfinder, which is on top under the lid, views through the upper lens, and the lower lens is the lens used for the actual photo taking. It's fully manual and has no light meter. It's a great conversation starter when I'm waling around with it.
Olympus Trip 35
The Olympus Trip 35, introduced in 1967, is a very simple point and shoot camera with an extremely sharp lens. The ring around the lens is actually a selenium cell (more or less a solar panel), so the camera doesn't use a battery at all. 
It has a four zones focusing system which I often forget to set, but with 400 ISO film in daylight most images are sharp anyway. 
Olympus MJU II
The MJU II (1997) is a pretty overhyped camera on social media and Youtube which means it usually costs around € 300, but I found mine for € 5 at a flea market, and for that price it's an amazing camera. Photos are very sharp and the autofocus seems to work fine for me. Due to its smooth design and integrated lens cover it is a great camera to carry around in your pocket.

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